Wine In Film

It’s list time again!

This time I’ve compiled a list of movies that wine has played a role. Occasionally it’s a small part, other times it’s the main character—either way, it’s played a part. This doesn’t even count movies that someone is simply holding a glass.

Sometimes, in films like Sideways and Silence of the Lambs, a line from a film enters the cultural lexicon. Anytime someone mentions Merlot—my mind wanders to Paul Giamatti angrily screaming. The same happens when someone references Chianti—I hear Anthony Hopkins low, menacing voice.

Anyway, it shows up is fine by me—like how it unabashedly shows up in every episode of Cougar Town!

A Good Year
A Heavenly Vintage (The Vintner’s Luck)
A Walk in the Clouds
Arsenic and Old Lace
The Big Sleep
Blood into Wine
Bottle Shock
The Chateau Meroux
French Kiss
The Godfather
Interview with the Vampire
James Bond movies
The Kids Are All Right
Letters to Juliet
The Parent Trap
The Princess Bride
Sherlock Holmes
The Secret of Santa Vittoria
The Silence of the Lambs
This Earth is Mine
Year of the Comet

Once again, if there’s one I’ve missed—let me know!